Alpha is Dead. Long Live Beta.

Alpha has been sold out for a few weeks now, and I’ve received numerous inquiries about when it will be back in stock, so I thought I’d provide an update as to where things currently stand.

First of all, thanks for the incredible response about Alpha. It has been very humbling and encouraging. But most of all, it has shown me that there is a huge demand out there for comfortable plugs for long-term wear.

Unfortunately, Alpha is a very time consuming product to make. From measuring, mixing, degassing, pouring, curing, and cleaning, each plug requires a lot of manual work which is then reflected in the cost. And frankly, I think you all deserve better than hand-made for the price.

So a little over a month ago, I completely remodeled Alpha on the computer. I now have a perfect representation of my original vision. I reached out to a number of American manufacturers and selected the one I believe to be the most well equipped to make my product a reality.

Without any further ado, I present a rendering of what’s to come:

Beta Rendering

The new plug will be called, rather unimaginatively, Beta, and it will be released by a new company that I am starting called Implicit Creations. A website will be launched soon, just a few finishing touches to put on it first.

Beta will be made of a more luxurious, silky smooth silicone compared to Alpha but is otherwise similar in terms of shape and size. I’ve gone to great lengths to ensure it will be made with only medical grade materials. It will also come in full retail packaging. Best of all, thanks to the economies of scale, I am fairly confident I can price it less than Alpha. Furthermore, I promise all customers who purchased Alpha will be able to upgrade to Beta for free.

Things are moving very fast and I’m very excited about how things are shaping up. I even have plans for small and large versions of Beta. I’m definitely letting this cat out of the bag a little earlier than I had originally intended, but I feel like I owe it to all my loyal readers to know what’s up with Alpha.

Beta should be available for purchase in April 2014 on May 25, 2014. I am not taking pre-orders or anything like that, but it would mean a lot to me if you subscribed to this mailing list to receive updates as things progress.

Thanks again to all of you who supported Alpha. Beta wouldn’t be possible without you guys!

9 thoughts on “Alpha is Dead. Long Live Beta.

  1. Awesome! I’m actually pretty excited. Which is kind of weird maybe, but oh well. Definitely deserves the attention though, alpha is awesome. Totally replaced everything else I have.

    • since i started using the Alpha ive been using my Bruiser (BD) a lot more frequently. so it’s frequently a week at a time until i can put alpha back in without it disappearing entirely πŸ™ stupid bruiser and its 3.5 inch knot

  2. I notice that the pictured packaging says Medium – does that imply a Small, Large and maybe other sizes? Will the dimensions be publicized before commercial release? I’m personally intrigued by the idea of something with a thicker neck, maybe 1.25″-1.5″. Will have to keep my eye on this!

    • Hi Michael,

      I am also intrigued by a thicker neck and you are right to notice that I will also be producing other sizes of Beta. I have designs ready for a small and large version. But as I am self-funding this venture and tooling costs are fairly high, they won’t come until later—hopefully by the end of the year. If the medium version sells better than expected, I will be able accelerate the timeline.

      I’m not ready to give out details on the other sizes since the designs aren’t quite finalized, but suffice it to say I think you may be pleased with what I have in store for the large. I would encourage you to subscribe to our mailing list to stay informed.


  3. When you are established enough to expand (so to speak) I have a suggestion: a curvy shape, wider than the beta but with a slender neck for less stretching of the sphincter (NOT a goal for some of us). The Dorcel Geisha is the perfect shape but, alas, the base is incredibly uncomfortable.

  4. I am beyond excited for this product to come out. I’ve been interested in plugging for quite some time but like many have issues with oversized bases rubbing me raw by the end of the day. Super glad to see this made with extended wear in mind as well as the wider neck as I’m also very interested in maintaining that “stretched” and full feeling. Happy to find someone who understands exactly what is missing in the current plug market!

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